Dr. Jonathan Caldwell

Little things making a big difference to air, soil and water quality are Dr Jonathan Caldwell’s realm of expertise. An environmental chemist by training, Dr Caldwell is an integral and senior member of the Waikato Regional Council (WRC) Science Directorate, manager of the council’s regional air quality monitoring programme and technical adviser for its contaminated…

Dr. Matthew Luckie

Dr Matthew Luckie’s work is supporting global efforts to make the internet safer and more transparent. As the internet grows organically and at pace, it is becoming the ‘wild frontier’ of the digital age. Dr Matthew Luckie is one of its prominent explorers, going beyond text-book accounts to observe and document its real-world operation at…

Farm Medix

Farm Medix’s latest screening technology helps maintain milk quality, counter disease and reduce antibiotic use in cows, sheep and goats.  High somatic cell counts (SCC) in milk prevent it from being sold, can incur penalties for the farmer and can indicate bacterial disease (like contagious mastitis) in animals. Managing SCC can be a frustrating business,…

Dr. Lee Streeter

By successfully accounting for movement in ‘time of flight’ range imaging, Dr Lee Streeter has revolutionised this technology and expanded its potential application. ‘Time of flight’ imaging allows for physical measurements to be captured by timing how long it takes a light wave to travel to an object and back. Multiple images can be compiled…

Dr. Amir Tarighaleslami

Combining practical engineering skills with research excellence, Dr Amir Tarighaleslami is helping industrial plants use heat more efficiently and reduce emissions. Our processing industries use around 214 quadrillion joules of heat per year, with around 65% supplied by fossil fuels. Despite dwindling fuel resources and pressure to reduce related greenhouse gas emissions, this valuable heat…

CRV Ambreed’s LowN

CRV Ambreed’s LowN team is tackling the issue of nitrogen loss from urine patches at its source. Every day around 1,000 tonnes of nitrogen (N) hits New Zealand farmland in urine from lactating cows. On average, 200 tonnes leaches into groundwater or waterways where it can affect water quality. A smaller amount becomes nitrous oxide,…

Dr. Douglas White

Dr. Douglas White’s research and award-winning communication initiatives are increasing both our understanding of rheumatic diseases and outcomes for patients. While working at Waikato Hospital, Dr. White has enhanced knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic conditions. He has explored how skin changes can assist early, accurate confirmation of systemic sclerosis; genetic predisposition for…

Dr. Drew Lohrer

Marine ecologist, Dr Drew Lohrer is helping us protect and manage valuable coastal resources. Dr Lohrer’s research often focuses on nursery environments or early links in food chains where even small changes can have far-reaching ramifications. His research has informed conservation of seagrass beds which help manage nutrients and are a threatened habitat and food…