Farm Medix’s latest screening technology helps maintain milk quality, counter disease and reduce antibiotic use in cows, sheep and goats. 

High somatic cell counts (SCC) in milk prevent it from being sold, can incur penalties for the farmer and can indicate bacterial disease (like contagious mastitis) in animals. Managing SCC can be a frustrating business, as counts can rise before symptoms appear in stock. ‘Snapshot’ from Farm Medix uses bulk milk tank samples to assess herd health, including non-symptomatic infection. It helps farmers identify sources of infection in their farm system (i.e. stock and/or equipment) and proactively correct problems, potentially saving tens of thousands in antibiotic treatments and lost milk/stock. Where Snapshot reveals a high contagion risk, farmers can follow up with more detailed testing using their equally innovative HerdScreen product, which was a Kudos award-winner for Farm Medix in 2017.

Farm Medix

Snapshot for herd health

Food & Agricultural Science Award

Farm Medix’s latest screening technology helps maintain milk quality, counter disease and reduce antibiotic use in cows, sheep and goats. 

High somatic cell counts (SCC) in milk prevent it from being sold, can incur penalties for the farmer and can indicate bacterial disease (like contagious mastitis) in animals. Managing SCC can be a frustrating business, as counts can rise before symptoms appear in stock. ‘Snapshot’ from Farm Medix uses bulk milk tank samples to assess herd health, including non-symptomatic infection. It helps farmers identify sources of infection in their farm system (i.e. stock and/or equipment) and proactively correct problems, potentially saving tens of thousands in antibiotic treatments and lost milk/stock. Where Snapshot reveals a high contagion risk, farmers can follow up with more detailed testing using their equally innovative HerdScreen product, which was a Kudos award-winner for Farm Medix in 2017.