The Kudos Lifetime Achievement Award

This award recognises a scientist whose research career represents a major contribution to science regionally/nationally and to the international profile of New Zealand science.


  • The award will be based on science and research publications, patents and science that have led to outcomes that can be or have been objectively assessed and evaluated.
  • Scientific achievement is judged using international benchmarks by a group of peers.
  • The ability of the scientist (if living) to communicate his/her research to a wide (lay) audience.


  • The researcher must have been based principally in the Greater Waikato Region including the Bay of Plenty area.
  • The research put forward could be conducted anywhere in the world
  • The nominee must have performed or directed the work described.
  • The nominee must have recognised qualifications relative to the award being sought. A relevant science qualification is required.
  • Nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award can be accepted posthumously.
  • The recipient (if living) must agree to give a nominated lecture or presentation to a high school or general audience, if requested.
  • The recipient (if living) must be prepared to interact with appropriate news media to publicise the research on which the award is based and science in general.
  • The winner (if living) does not have to be a New Zealand citizen or resident.
  • Previous years’ outright winners in this award category cannot reapply. However, previous years’ applicants in this award category who did not win the award are encouraged to reapply.
  • The nominee can be self-nominated or nominated by another party who is familiar with the scientist’s work. If the scientist is being nominated by another party, that party must be confident all eligibility criteria can be met, including the nominee’s willingness (if living) to be available for public and media interaction as per the above.

Make a Nomination

Download the necessary form, then upload with your submission